Delivering to Dallas, Ft. Worth, and surrounding areas (or pickup in-store).

Thank you!!

We are almost at 4 months since Kyle and I signed papers to complete / start the process of the transition of ownership of The Wine Authority and all the federal, state, and local red tape and licensing that goes with that.

Someone asked the day the papers were signed if I was excited, I was, but I was also keenly aware of all of the work ahead of me.  Somethings have taken longer than others, but I am grateful for the entire crew around me and everyone that has come in to buy a glass or buy a bottle since July.  I am grateful to Kyle and Jazz for hiring some excellent people before I took over, Alex, Jacquie, and Madeleine are amazing, and for cultivating some very loyal customers and members. I am grateful for Zech for agreeing to continue booking musicians during the transition and to Micah and Troy for dealing with the travails of Open Mic Night. I am grateful that Ian thought Brandon should stop by on the night of the party that a phenomenal friend threw for me, THANK YOU LIBBY ODOM!!  Thank you Brandon for seeing something in what I am doing. Thank you to all the reps that have been tasting me on all the new releases and inviting me to the different tastings around town.

Thank you to the investors backing me in this adventure, it will be worth you while in the long term.

Last but not least, Thank You to my wife and kids for putting up with the fact that I have not been home a lot the last couple of months, I can't say it will get better before the new year, but I can say I definitely appreciate your understanding.

I hope all of you can see the excitement I have for bringing the world of wine to all of you.  

Thank you in advance for putting up with what will be a crazy end of year and all of the upcoming changes in 2023, there will be many.  I hope you are enjoying the changes made so far.

Thank you again,
