Team National Membership Offer!
Platinum Membership for the price of Gold!
The Authority Online is already the best place to buy the best wines at the best prices. Our membership plans give you access to prices you won't find anywhere else. As a Team National Member, we have even better news! We'll give you our Platinum Membership ($29.99) for the price of our Gold Membership ($14.99)
Here is an example of the type of savings you can receive with our memberships, and below are instructions on how to get started.
Here is how to sign up:
Step 1
Use the form on this page to signup for the Gold Membership plan at a price of $14.99 a month.
Step 2
Email and tell her you are a Team National member who just signed up for the Gold Membership plan.
Step 3
We will manually upgrade your plan to a Platinum Membership (normally $29.99 a month) for NO ADDITIONAL COST!
Get Started!
Sign up for the Gold Member using this form and email Heather to let us know you did. We'll manually upgrade you to a Platinum Member at no additional cost!